Friday, September 16, 2011

Now *That's* Helpful

Thank you, Adobe.  Thank you.

Yes, I know that this isn't a grammar problem.  But, I work in I.T. and useful error messages make troubleshooting much easier.  At the very least, the error should provide a starting point.  Apparently Adobe's starting point is invisible.  This is fine if you're an H. G. Wells character, but for those of us without superpowers, this type of message provides little more than a chuckle.

OK, Mr. Jobs, I think I agree with you when it comes to offering support for Adobe products.

So, in this case, I decided that the complete lack of grammar is, in fact, a grammatical faux pas.

1 comment:

GlimniX said...

I know that this is 3 years old, but as an IT person , using outdated software gives you that " blank error message" :)